THE OBJECTIVE: To successfully watch the 6 and a half Harry Potter movies to date in a row, with minimal breaks in between and emerge from this endeavor sane.
Harry Potter Tv-Athon, updated at 15 minute regular intervals (by computer clock):
9:45: The music starts.
10:00: Hagrid’s exact moment of entry and Dudley’s horrified scream.. Hagrid proceeds to give Harry a birthday cake. What happened to that, by the way?
10:10: I swear, every time that Goblin says, “Lamp” its really “Lump”
1015: “But, I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He who must not be named did great things. Terrible, yes, but great.” Right, the last thing a confused little boy needs is more cryptic cool sounding sentences.. Thanks, Wand Guy.
10:30: “Mental that one, I’m telling ya.” Ahh, young love.
10:33: Ron, we know you don’t have three hands. It’s okay to just each one piece of chicken at a time. It’s not going to magically vanish on you – oh, wait…
10:35: The prefects are having a competition on how many times they have to say, “Quickly now, come on” in the most monotone voice.
10:38: “For those select few… -pause-” Wow, could Snape be any more selective?
10:45: “What. An. Idiot.” Oh Hermione, I’m going to have fun with you.
10:49: The three headed dog’s problem: “AHHHH!” “Come back! We just want to play ball!”
10:59: Harry pulls his wand out of the troll’s nose… wasn’t this supposed to be a kids movie?
11:00: “Not many first year students can take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale… 5 points will be awarded to each of you… “ McGonagal, you’re teaching them bad morals. Now they will WANT to try and die.
11:14: I’ve got presents? <- another way to make us feel sorry for this poor, depraved child.
11:15: “My body’s gone!” “I know what that is, its an Invisibility Cloak!” I’m jealous. All I got for Christmas was a lump of coal in my stocking.
11:30: In the forest with Fang and Draco.
11:45: “Curious. I’ve never seen birds like these.” “They’re not birds, they’re keys…” Really, Hermione, keep up.
12:00: Harry picks up the stone, but what’s he gonna do? Voldy takes one last stab.
2:10 Here’s a question… how does anyone unpetrify a ghost?
2:22: Really, Potter, how many times do you have to say ‘help me’ before you realize HE’s the bad guy…?
2:25: Really, Voldy, you should have used the Tom Riddle Diary for the seventh book… you probably would have won that time…
2:50: Finished COS.
3:09: bathroom break
3:44: Meeting the talking head on the Night Bus. You’d think that a talking head would be strange, but no, after the three headed dog, its NOTHING, my mistake.
3:45: LITTLE OLD LADY – oh, we all know you want to run her over, just do it already.
3:46: The guy spinning the spoon in his drink is Guy Peirce. Just saying what you’re all thinking.
3:46: The guy cleaning up is the hottest cleaner I have ever seen. Let’s see if we can find a good shot of him again…
3:51. FOUND HIM! He’s carrying the piling dishes at the Harry/Weasly dinner.
6:50: Started Goblet of Fire (update every 20 minutes starting at 7)
7:40: “Potter stinks!” Oh, you mean he gets with Cedric?
7:51: Your hair is blowing in the wind as you fly from the dragon, please cut it.
8:00: “Why do they have to travel in packs?” Referring of course, to Cedric and his gang of non-blood drinking Vampires…
8:20: He just flipped in the air. My goodness, the speed of that fish with Harry’s head…
8:37: David Tennant is totally hot as a bad guy (Barty Crouch Jr.)
8:51: Had to make a note of this – CEDRIC IS DEAD YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
8:55: Um, Voldy? Should you really be revealing your followers in front of your greatest enemy?
9:00: Hey lookie! It’s the old farmer. Here comes daddy, here comes mummy, there goes Cedric….
9:22: After a successful potty break, cookie and cheese break, plus a juice break and commercials, HP5 commences.
9:23: “Is Cedric your boyfriend?” Why, yes, yes he is.
9:40: HIS HAIR IS SO SHORT. Hint, the green flame in the fireplace of the M.O.M. building is foreshadowing.
10:00: “Sit.” She has cats on plates. And they’re living. GROSS
10:25: Yeah, no way Cho can get “expelliarmus” right with “Expelliarrrmus…”
10:30: Daddy got attacked!
10:40: “Well, they’re not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest…. “ His expecto-patronads.
10:47: "Well, you may not like it Minister, but you cannot deny, Dumbledore has got style.” YES. NO WORDS.
11:05: “I’m sorry, Professor. I must not tell lies.” JUSTICE AT LAST! Centaur’s carting Umbridge away.
11:12: All those glass balls in the Ministry. Too bad they didn’t see the ‘You break it you buy it’ sign.…
11:18: “Nice one James!” <- Notice complete look of horror on Harry’s face.
11:19 Cue sobbing montage.
11:20: Internal dialogue: I see dead people! No wait, just you, you killer of my godfather! DIE WENCH!
11:24: Dumbledore: Good dog, Harry. Go fetch.
11:28: Luna Lovegood finds her shoes.
11:29: “Something that Voldemort doesn’t have. “ “Yeah?” “Something worth fighting for.” <- Funny, you don’t have that either.
11:30: End OoTP.
11:33: Begin Half Blood Prince.
11:34: Funny, he didn’t have that nosebleed after he left the M.O.M. building in OoTP five minutes ago…
11:36: They settin fire to all yo houses, snatchin’ yor shop keepers up…
11:52: Lovely how they joke about Dumbledore’s age when he dies in this film. How sensitive.
11:57: The Weasley’s Joke Shop… pretty dang epic
12:07 “He’s covered in blood again. Why is he always covered in blood?” Do we *really* need to answer that, Ginny?
12:10: “That is the girls lavatory.” Oh no, Professor McGonagal, he had the right idea.
12:14: Harry has discovered the half prince book… wouldn’t he recognize the handwriting?
12:25: Bathroom break. (Terrors, go wild.)
12:41: And I’m back, transferred to the living room from my bedroom. Change of scenery helps staying awake, or so I am told. Like I’ve done this before… -shifty eyes-
12:42: Meeting little Tom Riddle.
12:43: “Hogwarts is not a place for mad people.” Really? Because the name of the school doesn’t help your case or anything…
12:44: “I can speak to snakes too.” The real reason Dumbledore sought you out, fool. He has a pet python he’s trying to stop from killing people.
12:46: Well, look at that. A deatheater tried to get into Hogwarts and bounced right off again…
12:47: Malfoy has found the vanishing cupboard. He will spend the rest of the movie trying to get it to work. No one ever told him about the amazing invention of duct tape.
12:48: Quidditch tryouts! Cormac, of course, is amazing for a character we just met.
12:50: Meet Lavender Brown: The beginning of Ron’s stalking problems.
12:54: Mystic girl flying through the air… I bet that landing hurt…
1:00: Beginning of awkward flirtation between Harry and Ginny. I can’t stand to watch.
1:02: Ron and his wonderful helmet.
1:04: The ‘juice’ in his cup.
1:06: Hermione is P.O that Ron is making out with Lav and fires birds at him. Snuggle time with Harry, though.
1:10: Dang right you choose Luna to take to the Christmas Party.
1:11: Malfoy Vanishing Cupboard Time
1:13: Cormac threw up over Snape’s shoes. DON’T MESS WITH THE SHOES.
1:15: Malfoy with another breakdown.
1:16: “My lips are getting chapped, look!” “I’ll take your word for it!” NO RON, I TOLD YOU I’M NOT GAY!
1:17: Loopy is getting testy at the Burrow.
1:17: Cue more awkward flirting between Harry and Ginny.
1:19: Mr. Weasly explaining Vanishing Cabinets.
1:20: More awkward flirtation.
1:21: “I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black!” Them fightin words.
1:23: Excuse me, but the Burrow did not burn in the books, nor was their land in the middle of a field…
1:24: We meet medium Tom Riddle.
1:25: Doctored Slughorn Memory.
1:29: Many several failed attempts to retrieve real memory.
1:30: Ron infatuated.
1:33: Ron’s dying…
1:35: Ron calling Hermione’s name instead of Lav’s… priceless.
1:38: Ron wondering why Lav’s acting strange… their expressions…. Priceless.
1:39: Harry follows Draco… I think he has a crush on him…
1:40: Hot bathroom scene! But with a ton of blood.
1:41: You can tell when I’m getting tired because my comments are getting less witty.
1:44: Ginny and Harry hiding the book. About to, you know, do the nasty. But not that nasty, the other nasty…
1:46: “Excellent! Really excellent!” <- Joy, Felix!
1:47: Funniest part in the whole movie: aka, Harry’s comedic display.
1:48: “Harry!” “Sir!” “Well, then , by all means, come along, sir!” HAHAHAH.
1:49: “Not to mention pincers… -click click click click click-“ Oh, Harry, good job…
1:51: Drunk singing… nice.
9:39: To my shame, I fell asleep, so I’m taking off from where I left off.
9:40: "Personally these plants always creeped me out." YES.
9:45: “I know why you’re here.” How horrific.
9:48: They are about to go on a trip and Dumbledore is laying out his conditions.
9:50: “No, no, Harry. Your blood is more precious than mine.” And Dumbledore is *not* a pedophile?
9:53: Dumbledore is making these horrible choking noises as he drinks the potion.
9:56: Harry’s gone to get water from the lake.
9:57: They gotta get back to Hogwarts, they gotta get back to school…
9:57: Dumbledore and his fire!
10:00: Now they’re back!
10:00: Dumbledore’s telling Harry to hide.
10:01: Draco is having another melt down.
10:04: “Severous. Please.” HAVE MY BABY.
10:05: Snape is running away, but not before he reveals a secret…
10:08: Everyone is raising their wands to sad music.
10:12: Harry telling everyone he’s leaving.
10:38: Starting HP7 part 1
10:40: Oh hey! It’s the M.O.M.
10:42: Poor Hermione’s parents…
10:49: Go snake, eat the yummy looking dead teacher.
11:02: I love the Weasley Twins. ‘Nough said.
11:05: Zip Ginny up? Seriously? When has this movie turned R-rated!?
11:33: Breaking into the Ministry…
11:46: Trying to destroy the necklace.
11:48:I can’t watch Harry Potter anymore. No more. I just can’t. My brain will die.
I hope I never attempt this again.
If I do, someone kill me.
11:56: Still watching and I need to have the strength to stand up and turn it off… which I don’t… someone please distract me.
1200: Ron’s left, Harry and Hermione are completely miserable. MY EYESSSS.
12:01: And Harry and Hermione are randomly dancing around the tent….
12:05: To Godric’s Hollow.
12:07: Bathilda Bagshot…
12:12: Fighting the snake.
12:16: The ice… please let this movie be over soon…
12:19: Ron trying to break the horcrux.
12:24: Ron explaining how he came back.
12:28: At the Lovegoods.
12:36: Betrayed… didn’t see that one coming.
12:43: Draco Manor.
12:48: “Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim, or seriously injure…” Epic.
12:51: Dobby’s dying…
12:56: End.
That was…. Yeah, never let me do that again.
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