Friday, January 14, 2011

.30 Day Blog Challenge: Day Thirteen. - Oops.

Missed a day, but I had a emergency - I was too sick to do much of anything yesterday. Today = somewhat better.

This one had me confuzzled.  A fiction book? One that you've read recently? One that you intensely hate? One that you secretly enjoy? What about a fiction book?

Well, anyway, I've decided to choose the first thing that comes to mind, which is... Mortal Instruments series! Oooh, good choice, brain.

Mmmmm. Jace.

Lucky Clary.

Oh, Sebass...

Out in 2011.

I love this series.  One of the main arguments I have with my roommate at least once a week (she hates books (-gasps- I KNOW)) is that, on her side, every plot has been done, every story has been retold so many times it's boring/not worth reading.  I, on the other hand, beg to differ. A lot.  My take on it is that its like a burger.

Yes, you heard me, a burger.

You got the two buns on the outside, and that's all fine and dandy, but who ever ate a hamburger without the 'ham'burger? (Heh, see what I did there? oh yeah...) It's plain. It's boring.  But then you get to put whatever you want in the middle.  You can have some lettuce, someone might choose onions or tomato, where as you may prefer bacon, or cheese, or hey? Why not both? Everyone's ideal of the 'perfect' sandwich is different, just like everyone's take on a story is different.  We are not born to think the exact same way.  No story is exactly the same.  When you think about it, all of our stories are the same.  They have a beginning, and they have an end.  Someone's alive at the beginning (the protagonist, hopefully) and someone's alive at the end (even if its not the protagonist.... still...)  It's not the basic 'plot' of the story that's supposed to intrigue the reader.  It's all the filling and goodies and twists and magic that's *within* the plot.

That said, I actually have never read a book quite like the Mortal Instruments series. Never. Ever. Not that I can think of.  To look at it from my roommate's perspective, well, yes, there have been books that is about the fight against good and evil (in different forms, of course, just read any single book with a bad guy and a good guy.)

Anyway... where was I going with this?  Thing is, Cassandra Clare throws in some delicious yet torturous twists and turns in this entire series.  I can't even tell you ANYTHING because it will probably either not make sense to you or give something away, and I just cannot say anything or else I might melt/squeal/do the conga in turns.

So please, please, pretty please, check it out.  It's brilliant writing, brilliant everything. Thank you, Cassandra Clare, for writing this amazing piece of work.  Can't wait for the next one!


  1. hmmm.... *adds to amazon basket*

    also- love the analogy! and don't forget how many delicious types of bread there are, or meats to make the burger with, and herbs and spices to flavour the meat... ;o)

  2. p.s. have you ever read anything by Kresley Cole? if not, i'd suggest starting with A Hunger Like No Other. and make sure you've got a bucket of ice handy... ;o)

  3. lol! Thank you, Squeaky. Well, of course there are different bread and stuff... which, I suppose, are different genres in the analogy, yes? XD

    And no, I haven't read any of her, but she sounds good. I'll definitely have to check it out!
